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Archive - Dominion Article

November 22nd, 2008

November 22, 2008 Business

Dangerous Duty in Papua New Guinea

Community members get "the opposite of what was promised" from Barrick Gold

November 21st

November 21, 2008 Original Peoples

Fighting Free Entry

Ending mining’s privileged access to land

November 20th

November 20, 2008 Foreign Policy

Canada's Contribution to Congo's Wars

Canadian mining companies among those under review

November 19th

November 19, 2008 Business

Small Flags in the Ground

Gold mining in Suriname's tribal communities

November 18th

November 18, 2008 Foreign Policy

FOCAL Blasted for Ties to Mining Industry

Indigenous leaders pull out of mining workshops in Guatemala

November 17th

November 17, 2008 Business

Heads They Win, Tails You Lose

Canadian companies will do anything for the big nickel in Guatemala

November 16th

November 16, 2008 Original Peoples

Caretakers of the Land

Western Shoshone wage battle against modern gold rush

November 15th

November 15, 2008 Month in Review

November in Review Part I

Coal plants shut down in Australia, march against the tar sands in Edmonton, Nigerians take oil giant Anglo-Dutch Shell to court

November 14th

November 14, 2008 Opinion

The Steep Price of Power

Colombian coal fuels Atlantic Canada, but at what cost?

November 12th

November 13, 2008 Original Peoples

Big Oil's Pipe Dream

An interview with Dustin Johnson about the Gateway Pipeline

November 12, 2008 Labour

A Striking Outcome

Sudbury ‘78 resonates today

November 11th

November 11, 2008 Business

Shredding Social Fabric

Company promoters "contaminate" communities in El Salvador

November 10th

November 10, 2008 Foreign Policy

How Good is Canada’s Word?

Vancouver's Corriente Resources is in deep in Ecuador

November 9th

November 9, 2008 Business

Blood Cells

Coltan in phones exacerbates crisis in the Congo

November 8th

November 8, 2008 Opinion

World's Crudest Extraction

At the tar sands they’re digging up dirty fuel

November 7th

November 7, 2008 Accounts

Vanishing Mountains

Coal mining in Appalachia

November 6th

November 6, 2008 Original Peoples

Two Ways to Be a Nation

Struggle for control of the "trillion-dollar Sudbury basin"

November 5th

November 5, 2008 Business

Waste Not, Want Not

One company's fight against Newfoundlanders & Kanaks

November 4th

November 4, 2008 Business

"Tell Your Investers to Get Out of Here!"

Thai opposition to potash mine becomes community-wide fight

November 3rd

November 3, 2008 Foreign Policy

"Looters’ War" in the Congo

UN report exposes role of Canadian mining companies

November 2nd

November 2, 2008 Labour

Working to Death

Canada's asbestos legacy

November 1st

November 1, 2008 Original Peoples

A Violation of Algonquin Law

First Nations spearhead resistance to uranium mining

October 31st

October 31, 2008 Month in Review

October in Review, Part II

Journalist uncovers US meddling in Bolivia, call to fire Globe and Mail columnist, Irving tightens grip on media monopoly

October 28th

October 28, 2008 Foreign Policy

Emissions Thicken the Air in Alberta

The tar sands' biggest customer has second thoughts

October 25th

October 26, 2008 Opinion

What Wente Wrote was Really Dumb – and also Racist

Globe and Mail columnist stepped over the line

October 23rd

October 23, 2008 Original Peoples

Canada's Newest Political Prisoners

Indigenous leaders jailed for protesting mining exploration on their lands

October 20th

October 21, 2008 Environment

OREphaned Mines

The dirty and dangerous legacy of abandoned mines

October 19th

October 19, 2008 Literature & Ideas

October Books

New works by Bolaño, Lerch and Ohle

October 15th

October 15, 2008 Month in Review

October in Review, Part I

Voting in Canada, money in Afghanistan, oily resignations and mad scientists

October 14th

October 14, 2008 Accounts

Pain Compliance as Indigenous Relations

Inside the Barriere Lake Algonquins' blockade of highway 117

Archived Site

This is a site that stopped updating in 2016. It's here for archival purposes.

The Dominion is a monthly paper published by an incipient network of independent journalists in Canada. It aims to provide accurate, critical coverage that is accountable to its readers and the subjects it tackles. Taking its name from Canada's official status as both a colony and a colonial force, the Dominion examines politics, culture and daily life with a view to understanding the exercise of power.

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