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Archive - 2005 - Dominion Article

February 11th

February 11, 2005 Accounts

Ending Female Genital Mutilation?

In Kenya, major campaigns for the eradication of female genital mutilation have met with little success. Gemma Richardson finds out why.

Rights, medicalization, and the state of ongoing struggles to eliminate the FGM in Kenya

February 9th

February 4th

February 4, 2005 Original Peoples

Dam Locally, Warm Globally

Relatively untouched, Canada's vast boreal forest is once again being threatened. Kim Petersen finds a small Ojibway community on the front lines of its defence.

Boreal forest, aboriginal peoples threatened by new push for exploitation

February 4, 2005 Environment

Biking Uphill: The Otesha Project

This summer, the Otesha Project embarks on its cross-Canada bike tour, practicing and preaching sustainable living. Shannon Hines finds out more.

February 4th

February 4, 2005 Media Analysis

Haiti and the Globe

Returning from Haiti, Yves Engler looks at the Globe and Mail's coverage of Haiti and finds that key facts are missing.

Facts, research missing in action

January 27th

January 25th

January 26, 2005 Arts

Description and Excess

Review Editor Linda Besner talks to Montreal poet and critic Carmine Starnino about description and the fear of misappellation.

An interview with Carmine Starnino

January 20th

January 20th

January 18th

January 18, 2005 Features

Photo Essay: Zapatistas

education_fp.jpg 11 years after what the New York Times called the first "post modern revolution", Chris Arsenault brings back words and images from Chiapas, Mexico.

Reflecting on Ten Years of Resistance in Chiapas

January 14th

January 14, 2005 Health

Chiropractic Care "Delisted" in Ontario

Beginning on December 1st, 2004, chiropractic care will be taken off of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, leaving patients with substantial bills to pay. by Tanya Rakhmilevich

January 12th

January 12, 2005 Literature & Ideas

Books, January 2005

Besner, Trafford, Henderson and Janes review new work by Nathan Dueck, Sina Queyras, K.I. Press, and Deb Abbey

January 11th

January 10th

January 11, 2005 Français

Le Canada en Haïti

Pour ceux qui cherchent à comprendre les motifs de la plus récente intervention du Canada en Haïti, il semble qu'il n'y ait pas de meilleure place pour commencer qu'avec celui qui est au centre de la controverse Canada-Haïti, le député québécois au parlement fédéral Denis Paradis. Par Anthony Fenton

Qui a orchestré le renversement de la démocratie?

January 11, 2005 Français

Se pourrait-il enfin que justice soit faite au Cambodge?

Le 4 octobre dernier, après plusieurs mois d'âpres négociations entre les différents chefs politiques du pays, le Parlement cambodgien a ratifié une loi ouvrant la voie à la mise en place d'un tribunal avec la participation de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. Par François-Marie Le Baud

January 11, 2005 Health

Depo-Provera and Bone Loss

Women's groups have long warned about the risks associated with the contraceptive Depo-Provera. Lisa Nussey wonders why they were ignored.

Women's health groups say "I told you so"

January 6th

January 4th

January 5, 2005 Accounts

Record Crowd Demands Closure of "School of Assassins"

Stuart Neatby reports from the 15th annual School of Americas protest in Columbus, Georgia.

January 3rd

January 4, 2005 Accounts

Truth in Iraq

Even those who read independent and foreign media are shocked when they hear the stories Dahr Jamail brings back from Iraq.

An Interview with Dahr Jamail

January 2nd

Archived Site

This is a site that stopped updating in 2016. It's here for archival purposes.

The Dominion is a monthly paper published by an incipient network of independent journalists in Canada. It aims to provide accurate, critical coverage that is accountable to its readers and the subjects it tackles. Taking its name from Canada's official status as both a colony and a colonial force, the Dominion examines politics, culture and daily life with a view to understanding the exercise of power.

»Where to buy the Dominion